Never Blame Each Other In Relationship...

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3 years ago

Rarely does any realize that they themselves are responsible for being unrealistic, falsely impressed, giving-in prematurely by putting all the eggs in one basket and even counting their chicks before they're hatched, and committing themselves to the wrong deal or Persons with swollen expectations under unguaranteed conditions despite the abundance of more genuine and befitting suitors!

There's a degree of consolation that comes by being content with choices deliberately made, and the determination to manage the consequences therewith.

Please do yourself a favor,

Rise up from that bottomless pit of blame,

Take responsibility. Drop the pain and keep the lesson, then soften the part of your life that is often hurt or irritated to absorb the punches instead of remaining defiant, hard and resentful, resulting in worse cracks and complete breakdown!

Extravagant loving results in being taken for granted, over-tolerance results in your counterpart becoming wreckless, denying your rights results in being abused, but being assertive rather gives advantage.

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