If These Animals Can Coexist, We Humans Must Learn To Accept Differences

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1 year ago

Countries have various ethnic groups, races, groups, and religions. Wealth that should be unifying, often becomes a problem because of the differences that exist in it. One claims to be more true than the other. Not infrequently the path of violence is chosen just to get a sense of victory which does not make you calm.

Meanwhile, these animals, which are said to be not as perfect as humans, are able to make everything real without the need to speak. They erase the boundaries of differences and show how beautiful love is. Love without blood ties and similarities they managed to create and inspire us all.

✓ We are different from birth and let us remain different

There is no need to fight and argue just because of differences that can't be put together. After all, everyone has the right to make choices. God also allows His servants to choose all desires with all the consequences. So there is no need for us to exceed God by forcing each other.

✓ Differences often feel foreign, just believe that it's okay to be different

It's okay to be different, there's no need for us to make a fuss about spending our energy and thoughts. We better channel our positive energy to do things that are more useful than just cornering one party.

✓ Observing first before hanging out with someone who is different is normal, but try to avoid prejudice

Trying to distance yourself first before actually hanging out is also natural and not a problem at all. But please, avoid giving bad labels and prejudice to those who are different from you. Try to be open minded and gather the positive sides of different people.

✓ Walls of difference do exist. No need to fortify each other, try to know his life further

Invite those who are different from you to walk or just talk alone. With fewer people, we usually find it easier to understand other people. Talk privately and find out the basics about that person's life, then you will understand the principle.

✓ Believe me, there will always be things that can make us laugh even though there are many differences

Don't think, different means there can't be the same thing. In fact, that difference can present a million reasons to laugh together. There will always be topics in life that you can laugh at, even the topic of difference itself.

✓ Your togetherness can inspire those who are still suspicious of each other out there

People who see how good you guys are when you live together, others will be inspired to do it too. So it's not only you who will feel the benefits, other people's minds can also be open because they see you don't suspect each other.

✓ No need to equate what is different, just let the difference be there

Just let the differences be there and we don't have to fiddle with them. It's enough not to touch the differences that can spark fights and just focus on the things we can do together. It was more than enough.

√ Loving a different person is not as difficult as you think, just simple things you do

Simple things like smiling and congratulating each other are enough to build a beautiful relationship beyond differences. There is no need to do complicated things to tolerate each other, because even those who are different can still be together.

✓ What you think is impossible because of differences can become possible in the name of love

Is it possible that this cat can breastfeed an animal that is not a child? Logically, you might argue, but what would you do if love really existed. Nothing will be able to stop it and nothing will be able to destroy that love.

√ God created His creatures differently so that they can complement each other's shortcomings

In fact, we were created differently to support each other by living together. Because every creature has advantages and disadvantages of each that can complement each other.

After seeing that different animals can still be together, aren't you as a human being ashamed if you still want to win yourself over differences with others? Try to understand which ones you really have to win and which ones you just have to keep quiet about.

Image source from Google.com

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1 year ago
