Tom and Jerry: The Movie is a 1992 German-American animated musical comedy film featuring the characters Tom and Jerry. Produced and directed by Phil Roman from a screenplay written by Dennis Marks (who also scripted some episodes of Tom & Jerry Kids at the time), the film stars the voices of Richard Kind, Dana Hill (in her final film role), Anndi McAfee, Tony Jay, Rip Taylor, Henry Gibson, Michael Bell, Ed Gilbert, David L. Lander, Howard Morris and Charlotte Rae.
Produced by Turner Pictures and Roman's Film Roman, it is the first theatrical feature-length animated film featuring the cat-and-mouse paias well as their return to the big screen after 25 years. Although largely mute in the original cartoons, the duo talked extensively in this film. Joseph Barbera, co-founder of Hanna-Barbera Productions and co-creator of Tom and Jerry, served as creative consultant for the film. The film tells the story about Tom and Jerry, who become homeless after their home is wrecked, to which they put their differences aside in order to help a little girl both escape from her child-hating and abusive guardian and find her lost and presumed-dead father.
After having its world premiere in Germany on October 1, 1992 (on the same launch date of Turner's Cartoon Network), Tom and Jerry: The Movie was released both theatrically and on home media by Miramax Films and LIVE Entertainment on July 30, 1993 in the United States. The film received predominantly negative reviews for the film's lack of focus along with the use of dialogue for the main characters and musical numbers, although the animation and Mancini's music was positively received. The film was a box office bomb, earning $3.6 million on a $3.5 million budget.
I used to love my favorite cartoon tom & jarry a lot. I sow itππ