God gave man the first rank among all creatures He made the best of all the creatures He created And then bestowed upon him innumerable blessings He gave him knowledge beyond thinking and gave him intellect to think
Allah Almighty has endowed man with six senses
He gave his eyes to see and his nose to smell
Give ear to hear and tongue to taste
He gave his hands to work and his legs to walk
Above all, Allah Almighty has endowed man with knowledge
The purpose of man creating
The purpose of creating this noble creature is to worship Him
By the way, Allah Almighty has entrusted His worship to the angels But Allah Almighty created man to worship Him and His Messenger And give thanks for His blessings:
First human in the world
The first human being was created by Allah Almighty
Adam (peace be upon him) was made of clay by Allah Almighty
After him, Allah Almighty created Hazrat Eve from the rib of Hazrat Adam (PBUH)
Then Allah Almighty ordered all the angels to prostrate before Adam (peace be upon him)
Every angel except Satan prostrated to Adam (peace be upon him) by the command of Allah
Allah Almighty said that Satan is the open enemy of man
And Allah admitted Adam and Eve into Paradise and said: Eat and drink whatever your heart desires.
He pointed to a tree and said, "Do not eat it or you will be expelled from Paradise."
Then Satan seduced Adam and he
After eating this fruit at the request of the devil, he felt the need
They were expelled from Paradise for being seduced by Satan and disobeying Allah They wept for hundreds of years and kept asking God for forgiveness for what they had done
After many years of forgiveness, Allah Almighty forgave them
When Allah Almighty created Adam (peace be upon him), He taught him all kinds of knowledge
Then they lived in the world with the help of the knowledge given by Allah
Cover your body with leaves and grow a variety of vegetables to eat
Then, as they had children, she continued to learn how to live from them
When the man become modern
And then slowly man became modern
Along with being modern, man also forgot his purpose of coming into the world
Man faced difficulties due to his distance from Allah
Allah Almighty gave man the noise of intellect
That he could tell the difference between good and evil
Allah Almighty has given man an understanding of both good and bad ways
But man left the straight path and became engrossed in the colors of the world
This world is mortal
One never knows why man forgets that this world is only mortal
Today's man has completely forgotten the Hereafter. Today's man is running after worldly comforts Despite knowing that life is the best in every way
He has to die one day
In fact, the purpose of man's coming into this world is to worship Allah
But he has forgotten all this and is busy running in the world
Distinguish between good or evil
Man has forgotten that he is the best of all God's creatures
In seeking worldly pleasures, he has forgotten to distinguish between good and evil
Today's human rights are with Allah He is also forgetting to pay his dues
Every human being should understand that he should follow the path prescribed by Allah Almighty Can live the best life
Every human being deserves to be the noblest of creatures
Man must understand the purpose of his coming into the world
And perform your duties well
He should not deprive the people of their rights but should pay their dues
As my Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: The nations of the past
It was destroyed only because it punished the weak and left the strong
And it seems that today's man is doing the same thing
The weak are not given their due compared to the strong
The weak are not given their due compared to the strong
That is why today's nations are on the brink of disaster
After all, why have we forgotten death? Even knowing that after we die
We will be punished for all our transgressions
And verily, my Lord is the Best of those who take revenge
Why doesn't our conscience rebuke us when we abuse someone?
Why are we so hard-hearted that no one's tears affect us?
We are no longer what our Lord created us to be Allah Almighty had made man just, then why us
Weighing themselves in the scales of injustice
We must ask our Lord for forgiveness for our past mistakes With the promise that we will fulfill the purpose of coming into this world
They will follow the commands of their Lord and serve His creatures
As our Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him) lived
Thank you everyone