The True Financial Independence Crypto Offers

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3 years ago

Is The American Dream Really A Dream Life?

For the longest of time, many have looked upon the US as the ultimate place to live, offering the best quality of life. The American white picket fence has become synonymous with a perfect life, inspiring many to seek out US residency. However, with the advancements of social media and digital connectivity, the world is beginning to see that there are many other great destinations in this great big world of ours that offer even better perks and liberties than the US! At the end of the day, if you live in a country like China, you may indeed find the US very attractive when compared to the life you have grown accustomed to. I guess it is all relative, depending on each unique situation and expectation of life.

The point I want to bring home is not that other countries are better than the US, or vice versa but that all of these models are inferior in some way or another. Crypto has introduced a lot more than merely a superior way of doing things and getting this done! Crypto enables financial sovereignty and independence, something that no country or government can offer. Provided you make it to your chosen piece of paradise in the world, you will still have to be subject to a job, a career that will gobble the majority of your life, only to leave you in a position of need in your final years. This is not true for everyone but is applicable to a very large portion of the global society. Crypto advocates often talk about how the traditional financial world is a failed system, which is true! However, it does not stop there. Pension schemes are a failed idea that leave the majority of contributors unable to retire comfortably, with many having to extend their working years in order to try and make ends meet.

This is further compounded by people saving in fiat, which is the equivalent to pouring sand into an hour glass. It simply runs out the bottom, making it a rather futile endeavor. When you take inflation into account, things begin to look rather bleak. This is the scenario without even addressing the hyperinflation that is on the horizon. This "life" that has been mapped out for every conditioned citizen is a failure and in very few cases succeeds. Some succeed due to connections, while others may succeed by working their lives away. I am a very strong advocate of hard work and strongly believe that many years need to be spent working exceptionally hard. However, this should be a season of your life and not consume 80% of your time here on earth.

No matter how much you get paid, your time is way more valuable than you may realize. Money can be lost, only to be rebuilt. A great job can be lost, only to be replaced by a better opportunity. Your time and health are your two most valuable assets and are the true defining points of wealth in my opinion. You cannot get back time once it is gone. It is finite and irreplaceable, making it the ultimate form of value here on earth. A man who is ordered about all day and drives a luxury car, living in mansions throughout the world is merely rich, not wealthy. There is a difference! True wealth enables a great lifestyle but also affords freedom. The rich man may be rich but he is also something else, a slave!

Freedom Is Wealth

The opportunities within the Crypto space are almost unlimited, making it a playground of earning potential. I use the term playground because no matter how you choose to utilize the Crypto space in order to generate income, it is always fun. This space is so revolutionary and exciting, there is always something to explore. To be honest, there are many avenues that I still want to dive into but find myself limited by the most precious commodity of all, time. Building early in this space has been very rewarding and to be honest, it is still early when you look at the adoption curve and all the potential that is still completely untapped. Sometimes I can hardly believe the opportunity that we have been given. 

Building in the Crypto space has the ability to create true financial freedom, enabling you to enjoy a healthy and balanced life, free from the modern form of slavery that many have accepted as normal. I hope this is an encouragement to those actively building, as well as those setting out on a new adventure. Crypto has given me a lifestyle I never thought possible, which encourages me each and every day. I am encouraged to keep growing and increasing my exposure as much as I can.

Thanks for reading and please remember that this is solely inspirational and not investment advice. 

$ 1.44
$ 1.44 from @TheRandomRewarder
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3 years ago
