Consistency Is The Key To Success In Crypto

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4 years ago

An Industry Developing Incredibly Fast

Though consistency is key in pretty much every aspect of life and business, it is imperative in the world of Crypto. Things move, advance and develop at such a rate that if you are not consistently in the space each and every day you will get left behind. When we look at a project like ChainLink we can see this playing out perfectly, a team so focused and committed to their work and the advancement of their goals that they succeed almost by default.

This is not only true of project teams but pretty much everyone who is involved in Crypto in some way, shape or form. The Crypto YouTubers, putting out up to date content each day. They are esteemed by their audience because they are there month after month and even year after year.

Reliability Through Consistency

It is interesting to watch how this dynamic plays out and often subconsciously in the minds of people. We trust what is viewed more often, who appears to be more engaged and what trends. All of the above can only be attained through consistency, which requires time to be considered as such.

Can anything or anyone be considered consistent without a track record? No, not at all and this is exactly why certain small cap projects are not even considered by potential investors. Social media accounts that are practically dormant, barely any Github commits and sometimes even websites that are completely down.

How can anyone take this seriously? The short answer is they don't, investors keep searching until they find those gems, that along with a great idea and use case carry the key, consistency!

You will find this one virtue at the heart of every true success in Crypto. A lot of my readers will know that I have been quite bullish on Polkadot and the whole ecosystem for quite a while now and one of the things that actually sold me on the idea of Polkadot was not even the tech. It was Gavin Wood! After watching him speak and observing his work ethic, it was clear that this guy knows how to get things done.

By his own admission, Gavin is not happy unless he is building and that is exactly the kind of person I am willing to back. To me, it was just a matter of time until Polkadot would come out guns blazing and they did!

Don't just buy the idea, buy the man behind the idea. The team that works daily to bring it to life. A great idea without a great team will remain just a great idea!

$ 0.03
$ 0.03 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for SapphireCrypto
4 years ago
