Television Interference #*#*#*

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Avatar for Saphire_trisha
2 years ago

#*#*#* We interrupt this broadcast for an important newsflash, Please do not adjust your set or do anything so rash, As bang your box or play with dials - we've taken over transmission, Blinding you with subliminal messages it'll be a difficult transition.

All those adverts telling you what you need and what the others possess, All designed to tempt you or make you feel left out and the balance redress, The beautiful people and the extra white smiles it's all just fake you see, Those relationships aren't real they're figments of what we wish could be.

That product is smaller and a lot less healthy than they'd have you believe, That story coverage expresses one side of a view but can dangerously deceive, Those voices are dubbed, they have been trained, that was all orchestrated, Don't be beguiled, your brain defiled as your potent sense of identity's castrated.

The happy fluffy cloud they calm you with is just to dumb you down, They can change your thought pattern turn your mood from joy to frown, It's fodder for the brain and stops you feeling restless -genuine escapism, Your true self caged for now and after as they design your mental prison.

$ 1.21
$ 1.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Saphire_trisha
2 years ago
