Narrated from Abu hurairah

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3 years ago

Narrated from Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him)

He heard the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say that there were three people among the Children of Israel. One was a leper, the other a bald head, and the third a blind man. Allah wanted to test these three. So he sent an angel to them. The angel first came to the leper and said, What is your favorite thing? He said, "Good (skin) color, good skin and I want to be cured of this disease, because of which people hate me." Then the angel touched his body. This cured his ugly disorder and gave him beautiful color and beautiful skin. The angel asked him again, what is your favorite goods? He said, camel or cow. The narrator, Isaac, is skeptical. But one of them with leprosy or bald head said camel and the other said cow. Then she was given a pregnant camel and said, "May Allah bless you with it." Then the angel came to the bald man and asked him, what is your favorite thing? He said, "I have beautiful hair and I want to be cured of this disease for which people are disrespecting me." When the angel touches his body, his disease gets better. Then she was given beautiful hair. Again the angel asked him, which goods are most dear to you? He said, cow. Then she was given a pregnant cow and the angel said, "May Allah bless you with it." Then the angel came to the blind man and said, What is your favorite thing? He said, "May Allah grant me sight so that I may see people." Then the angel touched his eyes, and God restored his sight. Then the angel asked him again, which wealth is dearer to you? He said, goat. She was given a pregnant goat. Then camels, cows and goats all gave birth. As a result, one field became his camel, one field his cow and his field his goat. Then the angel came to the leper in his former form after a short while and said, "I am a poor and needy person, all my means of transportation have been exhausted." By Allah, then it is not possible for me to reach home without your help. So in the name of Allah who has given you good color, beautiful skin and many resources, I ask you for the help of a camel so that I can ride it and reach home. Hearing this, he said, the responsibility is too much, so it is not possible to give. Then the angel said, I seem to know you. Weren't you poor, leper? Then Allah has given you a lot of wealth. He said, Wow! I have inherited this wealth from my ancestors. Then the angel said, "If you are a liar, may Allah restore you to your former state." This time the angel came to the bald man in his previous form and said to him like that man and he also answered like the first man. Then he said, "If you are a liar, may Allah restore you to your former state." Then the angel came to the blind man in his previous form and said, I am a poor man, a traveler. All the resources of my visit have been exhausted. It is impossible for me to reach home today without the help of Allah and later. I want a goat for you in the name of Allah who has restored your sight so that I can reach home at the end of the journey. On hearing this, the man said, "Yes, I was blind. Allah has restored my sight." Take whatever you want and leave whatever you want. By God! I will not stop you from taking anything in the name of Allah today. Then the angel said, "Leave your wealth." The three of you were tested. GOD is pleased with you, and displeased with your two companions. (E.F. 6172, E.S. 6215)

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3 years ago
