Benefit of eating sweet pumpkin

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Avatar for Sanzida
3 years ago

Pumpkin Has plenty of beta carotene. The conversion of beta carotene to vitamin A occurs in the body. It is useful for eyesight, disease prevention and reproductive system.

করে Brightening vision. One cup of sweet pumpkin gives 200% of the daily requirement of vitamin-A. If you drink eyes will thank you.

কম Reduces the risk of cancer. Vitamin A reduces the risk of lung and prostate cancer.

Stimulates the immune system. Not only Vitamin A but also Vitamin C, E, Iron and Folic Acid. The body's resistance is stimulated.

Dealing with blood pressure. The sweet orange color of the pumpkin shows that it contains a lot of potassium which is effective in lowering blood pressure. Pumpkin seeds contain many minerals and sterols which increase HDL.

√ Many interests. Having a lot of potassium is beneficial in diabetes, stroke and kidney stones. Increases bone density. Bone health is good.

ক Reduce waist size. Sweet pumpkin has a lot of fiber. So it is better to fill the stomach. And it is low in calories.

আ Brings good sleep. Sweet pumpkin seeds contain tryptophan, which is serotonin, which brings sleep.

√ Bring tenderness. Pumpkin beta carotene brings softness to the skin; Disappears with age.

জন্যFor heart health. Vitamin A, fiber and potassium in pumpkin are good for heart health.

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