the meaning of dreams according to previous predictions.

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3 years ago
Dream Meaning, Prediction Meaning Primbon Dream Interpretation. The following is a compilation of dream meanings, predictive meanings and accurate interpretation of primbon dreams that provide an explanation of everything that is the meaning of our sleeping flowers which sometimes makes curiosity about the truth of the dream. The prediction of the meaning of this dream comes from the Javanese primbon and is taken from various testimonies from Indonesian local people regarding subjects and objects as well as dream events that sometimes occur and may come up to us when we are asleep in sleep.

As information, the cause of the dream itself is an emotion that carries on so that in our sleep the subconscious mind experiences events that are not real. Dreams according to research mostly occur at the end of sleep, that is, before we wake up. Not long after dreaming, he suddenly woke up. Maybe readers have also experienced it.

According to the prediction that the meaning of the dream is not always proportional to the dream itself and sometimes when we dream about something beautiful, but in reality the next day after waking up and doing activities, we even experience unwanted events. But if you do not believe in the prediction of the meaning of a dream, of course, it doesn't matter because what is certain is that everything that happens is with the permission and will of Allah SWT.

Please listen to the following dream meaning and prediction information, hopefully it can be a useful reference for you.

Collection of Dream Meaning, Prediction of Dream Interpretation Primbon
Your dream is learning: The danger of disease will come.

Your dream is being operated on (surgery): Will get a test or trial.

Dream of a wet breeze blowing: A sign that the country is safe.

Dream of your hunchbacked body: Will be in good health fun.

Dream about body lice or wounds: Will get sustenance or the pain will heal.

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3 years ago
