Interviewer: good evening, Ibrahim garvba now then, am I right in thinking that your qualifications are isenty to James .
Ibrahim: yes that's correct
Interviewer: and you too were unemployed for a while?
Ibrahim yes i too went through similar experiences.
Interviewer: you mean you actually applied for various jobs?
Ibrahim: yes but unfortunately or perhaps I should say fortunately I did not success in getting one.
Interviewer: why do you say fortunately?
Ibrahim: because when I look back on those months of unemployment, I should have done what I actually did do at once.
Interviewer: what did you do?
Ibrahim: well if I may say so , I sympathize with James predicament. My family too wanted me to come to the city, get some white cooler job or other, and as James says become a big man but I soon decided that with my qualifications there was very little chance if this . On the other hand, I knew a lot about farming from father and I learned more about it at school.
Interviewer: so you bacame a farmer?
Ibrahim. Yes I want in for cotton and tabacco farmiy and of course some food crops and a few cattle.
Interviewer: successfully?