Ibrahim : that is for heaven to say, in the long run. But I'm glad to say that thing so far have run smoothly. We eat well from the food we grow, and although it has been hard work, I have already saved up enough money to fall back on in time of need, from the sale of my cotton and tabacco.
Interviewer: well Ibrahim that sounds good but what about your family ?
Ibarahim: I must confess that they were all against the idea, at first but I took little notice to their opinions . They looked down on me at first you know that though I was a failure.
Interviewer: And now
Ibrahim: they've changed their minds. We're all working together, now and with thair practice experience, and my knowledge, gained from school, we have really stepped up production.
Interviewer so if things go on like this you may in fact be quite rich buy a car perhaps.
Ibrahim: no we are planning to buy a pickup can first. Cars will come later.
Interviewer: well, Ibrahim,
Congratulations, and more power to your elbow!
Presenter: that was ugoye egbuna. Talking to Ibrahim garba, well, viewer how typical are these two cases? To answer this question. We are very pleased to welcome to the studio a spokesman from the ministry of.......