Sophie's Universe, A Crochet Afghan

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2 years ago

So where do I begin?

My writing skills are not on the same level as the top writers as my creativity only applies to my crochet skills and with this said I hope you can bear with me as I try to express myself.

So let me stop rambling on and on and get down to what's important: Sophie's Universe!

Sophie was a lifesaver, she appeared at a time in my life where I was in limbo back in 2015. How I came across her I don’t know, maybe the Universe accidentally slipped the website in between all those tabs I had opened, lol. Any way moving forward….There she was beautifully displayed on my screen, my jaw dropped.

What a beautiful afghan I thought to myself and proceeded to read the article. It was so well written and organised by the owner that it was a pleasure to just be there. Photos, pattern, links and even youtube tutorials. The last time I had a hook in my hand was when I was in High School more than 10 years ago. But I still remembered all the lessons that my Mom had taught me then.

This pattern was part of a CAL (Crochet Along). I read the pattern for sizes and supplies needed and quickly searched for a haberdashery, yarn supplier in South Africa, and bought hook and yarn. My Journey began, the beginning of my purpose for being. Every waking minute I would spend working on Sophie, not interfering with the running of my home, family and the Sunday Ride of course.

Beautiful isn't she?

Pattern: This is a free pattern and can be found here along with other very useful links. Dedri Uys of Look At What I Made is the owner of this pattern.

I couldn’t believe my achievement on completing Sophie. For someone who just crochet doilies in her teens this was a feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction rolled into one. My heart filled with so much pride. Hubby and the boys loved the end result as they were witness to the “birth”.

Two warnings, though:

Pets LOVE Sophie, so prepare to be ambushed!
Partners and spouses are not immune to her either, 
often helping  to choose colours or checking up on progress 

Video Tutorial: This step by step video tutorial by Esther Dijkstra was a huge help for me.

Now I can proudly say that I am 100% fluente in pattern reading regardless of who the designer is.


As this was my first ever textured afghan I did not plan my color scheme or keep to a specific brand, I just bought at will and what captured my fancy. Something I will never do again!

So remember! Always purchase yarn of the same brand and yarn weight/size.

Below is a very short video of my Sophies Universe up close. She is 5yrs old now and still jaw dropping.

So there you have it. Hope you enjoyed this post and that I inspired you enough to want to go out and buy that yarn to hook this Beautiful Afghan by Dedri Uys of Look At What I Made.

Like us “Hookers” say, Happy Hooking.

Peace, Light and Love to you Beautiful Soul,


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2 years ago


I love art and craft works. I wish to learn more art to gain more knowledge. The only art I can do is to draw and make comics. Thanks fo the education. Have a wonderful day my friend 👌😀

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2 years ago

Draw is also a art, we have something in common: creating with our hands. I have dabbled in painting and was able to master comic drawing of Garfield back in the day but my heart and soul was drawn to crochet. I am so glad you enjoyed reading. Wishing you a wonderful day.

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2 years ago