Title: Show her her beauty
Im dating a girl who has only been in abusive relationships thus far. Its a struggle but i love her. Shes scared of showing any emotion other than horniness and joy, because her ex yelled when she was vulnerable. Shes always worried ill leave her. She gets extremely sad at even the smallest of mistakes. She's afraid whenever i am sad or angry because she thinks I'll take it out on her. She never can take a compliment. Always asks why i waste my time with her.
I always make sure to clearly communicate my emotions and why im feeling them. I reassure her her feelings are valid, even if not accurate. I hold her close whenever she panics. I love her.
We're trying to find her a therapist. Until then, what else can i do to help her? She deserves to live a fulfilling life filled with love. How can i help her see the wonderful person she is?