Staying healthy, what things are to be done.

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2 years ago

The word health appears so much familiar to virtually every ear it is mentioned to and as its popularity continues to increase, so also are people's willingness and eagerness to stay healthy, fit and strong for the first health they say is wealth (Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American philosopher of the 1860). The above statement according Mr. Raph Waldo, there is a clearer distinction and a clear indication of The position of the first health which is transcended into wealth. Before we'll be looking at the tips to staying healthy and wealthy, then, let us first look into what the definition of this critical term health is.

What is health?

Health according to the World Health Organisation, is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (>governance).

Going by such a definition, one could easily see the real issue that's in existence here especially with the parameters with which a healthy person is judged from being the three key factors of health - physical, mental and social wellbeing being.

The three key factors of health

In the preceeding paragraph, we talked about the three key factors of health which for the purpose of our own understanding, we will be taking them one after the other viz;

Health as a state of complete PHYSICAL wellbeing - this according>physical is the ability to maintain a healthy quality of life that allows us to get the most out of our daily activities without undue fatigue or physical stress. Maintaining our healthy quality of life can be the decisions we may have taken in order to ensure that our bodies are given the neccessary exercise which enables the body to be ever ready for whatever activities it deems fit. Engaging in such healthy physical activities includes the following tips;

A. Taking a road walk for up to at least 2-3 hours everyday

B. Jogging also for almost or a little bit less than the stipulated number of hours said above about walking.

C .Engaging in a football game which is generally seen as one of the best if not the best form of it.

D. It could also be a personal home work out like the usual press ups, the many different ways of crouching oneself to reach a certain accepted fitness level and many more.

Haven discussed health as a complete physical wellbeing, now we switch over to health as a MENTAL wellbeing. This without much delay is defined as a wider range of conditions that is capable of affecting our mood, our ways of thinking and of course the outward expression of how we show or exhibit it being our behaviour as wellbeing hence, that could either be a Clinical depression that is seen as a mental health that is characterised by being persistently depressed which may arise as a result of not having any interest in any activities at all that could either be singular or as a collection or the Anxiety of a health disorder that is duly characterised by the feelings of worry or the fears we may be nurturing inside of us that are very strong enough to interfere with our daily and usual activities.

Engaging oneself with such activities like;

A. Having a person who will be ready at all times to talk to,

B. A person who can help provide us with the neccessary supports and reassurances,

C. Eating healthily then,

D. Exercising ourselves as have been discussed above, will all help a great deal if we must break free from any mental unwellness and become mentally well, fit and ready to undertake tasks free of anyone's help.

To finalise our efforts explaining these terms here, it will be well fitting enough if we also include the last(of course not the least) of them all being the SOCIAL Wellbeing for a proper understanding and awareness creation.

Here we have social wellbeing as that which comes from the ideas we share with others, the good rapport and a well sustaining relationships we have with them. Note here that this relationships can be built overtime or within the clucthes of coming close to them at our very first time meeting with them. This kind of a wellbeing allows one to have the feelings of being authentic, valued and have a sense of belonging at all times which is far enriching health wise than the others. Yes that's exactly what social wellbeing brings or does to us irrespective of one's status in life economically, physically and otherwise.

It also brings about the connectedness we have with people both in a short or a long term situations.

For more on the social wellbeing, i'd implore you to read them up @

In conclusion, it is very important we briefly explain why all the above mentioned areas of maintaining a strong healthy conditions are important in a human life and formation especially the social wellbeing.

They are ever so important in that when we imbibe that culture of being health aware and by maintaining its core values, it will indeed grace our request to stay healthy with the most resounding resilence of emotion building.

Now, if i may ask, how healthy are you and how do you wish to maintain a healthy living?😊😊

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Written by
2 years ago


I am always trying to maintain my mental health because one damage of a part can lead or affect the other. When we are mentally stable, our physical being would become normal.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

That's absolutely well said and very correct. Thanks for stopping by, i really do appreciate

$ 0.00
2 years ago

To live well, you need to be healthy. It's nice to read your article and remember everything in a new way.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Yes we must eat well if we are to stay healthy

$ 0.00
2 years ago