There are some things we should not do as regards our relationship with our fellow human.
Do not look down on nobody because the future is not seen and we dont have the power to male and unmake other people future, so be careful of who you trample on, who you discourage.
Do not be stingy, have a mindset of a giver, be a cheerful giver at all time. Giving make you have a bountiful harvest even when there is famine.
Do not lay false accusation, many people due to finance or conveteousness lay so many false allegation or support framed and untrue issues in expectancy of financial gain.
Kindly watch it.
An understanding of human psychology can significantly help us refine our behaviours because our personal and social interactions thrive on the principle of reciprocity. The way we treat others not only gets reciprocated in their behaviour towards us, but also in their self worth and how they feel about themselves.