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Avatar for Samjean
2 years ago

L - leave . L - live to

I - Ignorance. I - impact a

G - Governance. G - Goodly

H - Harmmed H - Habitation

T - Totally. T - To all

In a football or competition, only two people are majorly involved: the referee and the contestants. The contestant / competitors plays while the referee monitors them, guild them through laid rules to ensure there is fair work /absence of 🤦amy unjust form.

Not money, or wealth can make you a light to man.

Light is something that reveal things, light is to open any secret thing. light enables seeing, light allows the right thing to be done. The more brighter the light, the more right thing being done. ARE YOU A LIGHT IS NOT BASED ON MONEY, OR CAR OR BUILDING, Being a light is to have the quality of a light in you.

But still, you can still be a light. The soldiers of nation are not from child soldier but they train themselves to be such. YOU AND I CAN BE A LIGHT.

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