Giving 🌧️

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Avatar for Samjean
1 year ago

Beginning , if you give someone something and he makes no go use of it, what will you do?

God has given me and you life, what are we using it to do? Curse/bless others

Giving is an act, giving is to release to another what they need, want or desire. One can only give what he has, you cannot give what you do not have, you are also in need of that thing.

Giving other is an impact in another person's life. The reason many fail to give is because they fail to seek, find and get something. 3ceryone is born the same way: empty handed

A major reason why some do not want to give is because they have little, the level of what you have determines what you can give. That is the reason why it is better to seek a lasting things.

How is what you might want to ask.

Many people seeks money, some seeks the legal way to make money. The differences between the two is: the former is simply receiving what you need but the former is not because you work for your money.

$ 0.00
