The person who does the job of cleaning is called a cleaner. He collects rubbish from the working area of a city. In general, he wakes up at 5 o'clock in the morning and walks along the streets to collect rubbish. People put their rubbish in plastic bins and leave them in front of their houses. They walk from door to door to collect them. Sometimes the bins are very dirty and they smell bad. But the cleaners don't mind. They take out everything from the bins and put them in a large plastic bag or in the push cart with them. However, many people hate this type of dirty work . But the cleaners don't care about them. They believe that all jobs are important. They work hard every day to keep their are clean. If they become sick and cannot go to collect the rubbish, the people fall in great trouble. The whole area becomes dirty and unhygienic. So the cleaner is very important for us.
My country is Very dirty I know ...I hope one day my country is clean and fresh your article is very good and helpful thanks your article...I wait for your best article...