The rights of the husband over the wife.

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2 years ago
Topics: Motivation

Woman is the most beautiful gift of God. The color and light in the universe is from the existence of woman. In Islam, woman, mother, sister, wife and daughter are respected in every way. The natural sanctity of a woman, her chastity and her femininity is due only to Islam.

Shaykh-ul-Islam Imam Ibn Taymiyyah has written: “A virtuous woman is in fact the one who perseveres in the obedience of her husband. After paying the dues of Allah and His Messenger, there is no more dues than the dues of the husband. Is a precious commodity.

Obedience to the husband is obligatory. Success in the Hereafter depends on the service of the husband. The heavenly woman is always obedient to her husband, taking care of his comfort. A virtuous woman should take part in good deeds and perform the duty of enjoining the good and forbidding the evil.

  • Consider spending Hazrat Khadija's wealth on her husband a blessing.

  • If the husband has a problem, comfort him immediately.

  • Make-up for the husband is a reward for the woman.

  • She should not tell her husband's faults in front of anyone and should not speak to him.

  • If she sees anything against Shariah in her husband, she should stop him with literature.

  • If the husband does not like to come to the house, do not let him come without the permission of the husband.

  • She should not quarrel with her husband's relatives.

  • Husband should call for intercourse and if there is no Shariah excuse then go immediately.

  • Obedience to the husband in every lawful act.

  • Do not give his property to anyone without his permission.

  • If the husband is angry, immediately apologize and calm down.

  • If the husband asks for advice, give him sincere advice.

  • Don't ask for more than your husband can afford.

  • Do not speak in front of your husband.

  • Husband's belongings and house cleaning.

  • Worrying to save the husband from haraam earnings.

  • Respond immediately to the bridegroom's call and do not delay because he will do it himself.

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2 years ago
Topics: Motivation
