Relationship is money!!

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3 years ago

The value of the relationship should be the same as money. Because both are very difficult to achieve but very easy to lose. When you have a bad time, people will not hold your hand, they will catch your mistake. Even if everyone in the world hurts someone, people are willing to get up and fight again. But if they hurt their relatives, then people walk away.

When someone starts ignoring you, you will understand that the person has no need of you anymore. If the mind is screaming, let it go and if it is not yours, let it go. Today there is life in the body but no one sees. Tomorrow when life is gone, people will see the shroud removed.

Relationships are never blood. Relationships are based on faith. If there is faith, then the distant person is also yours and if there is no faith, then the blood relationship also becomes distant. Relationships weaken when people begin to answer questions that arise from misunderstandings.

Never let tears come from the eyes of the elders of your house. Because the walls of the house become weak after water comes from the roof of the house.

Someone has rightly said, take the time to talk to your loved ones because if you don't have loved ones, what will you do with this time. Because a true relationship wants nothing but a little time and respect.

Please give me good response if you like my article.....

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Honestly speaking... The article was so realistic.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you soo much for your encouragement. And thanks for your love words

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Really loved this one.... Totally based on the reality... Keep it up dear.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

It's based on reality . 🥰 We have need to spend few time with our love ones .. well write.

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3 years ago