Tupan: a truly green defi hoping to help save the Amazonian forest.

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Avatar for Samantha-Smith
2 years ago

With Defi being all the rage, and looking to be the future of crypto, I started exploring the options available in the market, and came across this rather interesting project started by ForestAu Green LLC, an investment fund which acquired the perpetual environmental rights to the production output of 420 million ha or 4.2 billion cubic metres of Brazilian Amazonia forest, by purchasing Amazonia Forest Farm NFTs from Brazilian landowners, which have then been partitioned into 4.2 billion parts, of which 3.69 billion have been tokenised.

To put this into perspective:

That is 4 x the area of Hong Kong, or 7 x the area of Singapore, or 1/10 of the total area of Switzerland!

ForestAu Green LLC created the Tupan token developed on the Wave Blockchain algorithm and have issued 3.69 billion tokens backed by these Amazonia Forest Farm NFTs. The farmers are under an obligation to use a percentage of the funds raised to promote preservation and regeneration in the area.

So Tupan is a tradable defi token backed by the NFTs acquired, with each token being equivalent to 1 cubic metre of native preserved Amazonia forest. Cool, right?

In a cryptospace environment crying out for eco-friendly crypto options, this one is looking pretty green.

ForestAU Green LLC are therefore partnering with farmers in the Amazonia forest to manage preservation and regeneration in the region. There is a huge need to step up and protect one of our most uniquely biodiverse environments on the planet which under constant threat from forest fires and deforestation, and ForestAu Green LLC believe they have a win-win approach for the region and green investors.

The Tupan white paper can be accessed here and is a comprehensive interesting read so I would advise as always to do your own research and make up your own mind as to whether or not this project is for you:


The Fund is using the Wave Blockchain which claims that transactions are fast and have a fixed fee of 0.001 wave or approx $0.023011.

More on wave blockchain can be found here:


The Tupan Token ICO has commenced and sales of the token will end in 104 days time. At the time of writing, the tradable defi tokens cost $3.12 each (with a minimum purchase of $50 so approx 17 tokens) and can be purchased in one of two ways; either by using my referral link below or by going straight to their website. I'll leave you to decide which to choose should you decide to support their cause:



You will have to register on the tupan.io site and validate your email address before you can purchase tokens.

You will then need to register in the Waves exchange and then update your Waves Exchange address on the Tupan site. You can either exchange FIAT for BTC or ETH on WAVE exchange or simply use a bank card to be able to purchase Tupan tokens.

As at today, there were 110,676,338/110,700,000 tokens still available.


Signing up to the Wave exchange is really simple and can be done using email and a password. You then have to do a quick email validation and the account is set up.

From start to finish it shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes to register on both Tupan and Wave and get to checkout on your purchase :-)

There is a good little summary article on the project here by Christopher Fowler although the white paper is far more comprehensive and really interesting. I hope this piqued your interest as it did mine. I am pleased to be throwing in my hat to support this project. You don't have to invest a lot to become a part of something really powerful which truly resonates with eco-friendly green investments.


$ 0.06
$ 0.05 from @TheRandomRewarder
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2 years ago
