Hello everyone,I want to recommend a hair care mask with natural ingredients ,I hope it will help you as much as I did because i had dry hair!
When it comes to health and beauty ,coconut oil is one of the most beneficial natural remedies that offers many health benefits ,is affordable,and completely natural.
Coconut oil haslong been show to be useful in cosmetics.It is added to body,facecand nail care products,but it has the greatest effect on the hair,even during the firs treatments.
To make your hair soft and smooth,make a mask of coconut oil.and honey.
Put 2 tablespoons of cold- pressed coconut oil in a bowl and in heat in microwave 20 seconds.
Then add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix until you a uniform mass.
Apply the mask on slightly damp hair and leave for at least 40 minutes,then wash it with shampoo.
Use this mask once a week and you will not havevto wait long for fantastic results.