Visit to my Home Town

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2 years ago

The biggest and the happiest travel for hostalites is to visit their home town. 

To meet their ideal figure/ hero , the dad

To eat the dilicious foods made by the worlds best chef, the mom

To fight with the worlds ugliest siblings, not actually, 

To get prayers from the worlds best grand parents.

To do dialy home chores with mother unhappily

And  to enjoy the never ending beauty of home town.

Today friday may 13, 1 woke up at 9.00 am , although i dont want to but i have too because today was the day for which i waited whole month.

I cleaned my room  and my self also. Got ready, but unfortunately called by provost ,that was bad news. Because the administration of provost is the worst. I went and waited there 1 hour but know one was there in provost . I dont understand, if the officers in provost are assigns with there duty so why they are not peforming it properly. 

Whatever i left for my home town at 2.30 pm. Let me visit you to my home town.


My home town name is  Peshawer  which is also called as the city of  flowers. The city of beauty. The city of hopitality. The city of taste. It is one of the oldest city of South Asia because it dated back to 539 B.C.

It is now the part of Pakistan. Actually now it is the most beautiful city of Pakistan. But before it the entrance to Peshawer is called as Bab-e-Peshawer which is located near Afghanistan.

Bab -e-Peshawar

Peshawer is also known for its education system. One of the famous higher education institution named as Islamia College i.e. founded in 1913 by initiatives which was led by Sir S.A. Qayyum and Sir George Roos-Keppel. Its foundation begin at the time of Aligarh movement. Letter on in 2008 it was given the status of university by Pakistan's government but the word college in its name was remained as it is to preserve the history of it.

As it is the oldest city of South Asia, thats why the oldest bazars are also present. The famous clock tower (ganta gar) is present in the middle of shaheen bazar.

Some famous forts are also located here like killa bala hisaar amd Jamrud fort.

Famous Peshawer museum is also located in center of the city. Where sculptures of Budda is present and one can also found cultural things of Pakistan there.

Furthermore if i start to write about more beauty of Peshawar, my words will finish but i will be unable to explain the beauty.

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2 years ago
