1. Reaction with air: Iron does not react with dry air. If iron is kept in humid air, a yellow coating falls on the iron in a few days. This is called rust. Rust is aqueous ferric oxide, 2Fe2O3, 3H2O. Rust is produced by the reaction of oxygen and water vapor in the air with iron. Pure iron does not rust. Intense heating of iron in the presence of air or oxygen ignites and produces ferrosphoric oxide [Fe3O4]. 3Fe + 2O2 = Fe3O4
2. Reaction with water: There is no reaction of water with pure iron at normal temperature. When steam is run on red hot iron, ferrosphoric oxide and hydrogen gas are produced. 3Fe + 4H2O = Fe3O4 + 4H2
3. Reaction with alkali: Iron does not react with alkali under normal conditions. But iron reacts with concentrated sodium hydroxide to produce sodium ferrite and hydrogen gas. 2Fe + 2NaOH + 2H2O = 2NaFeO2 + 3H2.
Cast iron is an impure iron. It contains 2 to 4.5 percent carbon. It also contains small amounts of silicon [Si], manganese [Mn], sulfur [S] and phosphorus [P]. Cast iron is used in the manufacture of molded products, such as iron pipes, lighthouses, oven shafts, etc. Most of the cast iron is also used in the preparation of wrought iron and steel.
Steel contains 0.15 to 1.5 percent of carbon. When steel is heated to red and submerged in water and then heated to 200 ° C - 350 ° C, its flexibility and strength increase. This method is called steel pandan. Rail and tramlines, cars, ships, cowries, various weapons, machinery, knives, scissors, blades, plowshares for cultivation, tractors etc. are prepared. Steel is used in saws, permanent magnets, bridges, car springs etc. In addition, a small amount of other metals are mixed with steel to produce various alloys of steel. There are various types of hybrid steel.
Wrought iron This kind of iron is very pure. It contains 0.1 to 0.15 percent carbon. Used in the manufacture of electromagnetic pulp, wires, chains, nails, dynamos and motor parts, locks, keys, wave rods for welding, etc., and for welding.
Wrought iron This kind of iron is very pure. It contains 0.1 to 0.15 percent carbon. Used in the manufacture of electromagnetic pulp, wires, chains, nails, dynamos and motor parts, locks, keys, wave rods for welding, etc., and for welding. One chemistry class end!!After a ling time reading this article feelings happy!!!