Do not be empty

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3 years ago

There is a famous saying that says:

Time is like a sword if you do not cut it, it will cut you.”

The time here is the river running between two banks.

the importance of time

Time passes by many people without knowing how a mirage evaporated without a work to be mentioned or an achievement to be proud of, as some are interested in the small things that do not work, while they lack a conscious awareness of the mechanism of concern for the big matters that give their lives value and meaning. This is like focusing on the luxuries when buying household items and neglecting the basic and most important.

Someone's experience with time management

One of them did a short test with university students, placing a bucket on a table in front of them. Then he brought a number of large rocks and carefully placed them in the bucket one by one, and when the bucket was full, the students asked: Is this bucket full? Then some students answered: Yes. So he asked them: Are you sure ?! Then he pulled a sack full of small pebbles from under the table and placed it in the bucket until the spaces between the large rocks were filled. Then he asked: Is this bucket full?

One of them replied: Maybe not. The lecturer liked the student’s answer, so he took out a bag of sand and poured it into the bucket until all the spaces between the rocks were filled. He asked again: Is the bucket full now? The answer of all students was in the negative. After that, bring a bowl full of water and pour it into the bucket until it is full. He asked them: What do you think is the idea of ​​this experiment?

The lesson from that lecture

One of the students responded enthusiastically: that no matter how full a person's schedule is, he can do more and more with diligence and diligence. He replied: You are right. But that is not the main reason. This teaches us that if we hadn't put the big rocks first, we would never have placed them. Then he said: Some may ask, and what are the big rocks? I say: It is your goal in this life or a project that you want to achieve, such as your education, your ambition, the happiness of your loved one, or anything that is important in your life.

There is no doubt that we all experienced a feeling of boredom and a loss of a sense of the value of time, where we spent hours, if they gathered together, it would have become days, months, or years of our lives without doing work that gives us true and lasting happiness. Negativity increases our unwillingness to reflect on our circumstances and think about accomplishing what makes us happy in our long day, which most of us find short.

The role of planning in time management

Some say that they do not have to plan. Rather, they see that the days are the same, yesterday and today will not differ from today, except in the passing of hours of a routine that does not change or its features change, rather they prefer to live on their own way, waiting for what events give them to leave an impact on them. Joy or joy. So they will have a share of surrender and submission. Someone may regret noticing that their day ended in vain without even performing the routine. But does he take steps to change and manage his time so that he is not empty of content.

It is worth noting here that none of us were born with simple or superior skills in time management, but many people learned how to make their time valuable, either from a good example that was in their path supporting them or from their own experiences in which they suffered from the woes of randomness which in turn made them look in every direction to learn This enables them to optimally invest their time. Those are the ones who understood that time management is nothing but self-management, knowing their aspirations and dreams, and transforming them into realistic goals embodied in plans that can be implemented over months or years.

The question now is: Where are you among these?

Are you someone who was able to move forward towards their goals after knowing how to plan for them?

Or are you still ignorant of even your dreams and aspirations and have stood still waiting for what the days will write for you?

And to answer that, consider the following:

How do you make your time valuable?

  1. Knowing man because of his presence in life is the first way to discover what he aspires to. Some believe that he was created to suffer from the ravages and vicissitudes of circumstances, while some are convinced that his existence is a purpose and a goal, whether for him or even for those around him.

  2. Discovering his potentials and abilities and searching for a way to develop them and create wishes that he can turn into reality, gives him complete satisfaction and that would raise his value for himself to launch later in its positive and beloved form for others.

  3. He accepted this absolute belief in self and its potential that guarantees him the inevitability of success in his personal and professional life. Faith is the basic pillar upon which everything is built. Belief that God gives the trustworthy a gift that pleases him and increases the pace of optimism to see any obstacle in his path just pitfalls that he can remove if he is able to properly plan.

  4. Accompanying positive people is better for him, here the infection of positivity is transmitted to him, which in turn motivates him to formulate goals that increase his conviction in his capabilities and his ability to organize them according to priorities and importance.

  5. Abandoning dreams that do not fit his abilities is not considered deficiencies, rather it is a force that opens the way for him to delve deeper into himself and discover more positives that he has, and then put it before him to crystallize them in goals and plans that must be fulfilled.

  6. Feeling of responsibility towards oneself is a guarantee that protects the individual from randomness, as he puts it upon himself to save it from being lost and lost without serious work that gives it value, so he thinks a lot before wasting his time in what is not useful.

Dear reader, I did not want here to talk about the steps of organizing time, as we have done in all the articles, but rather I was satisfied with putting some points on which you might stop to think about how you care about your time and yourself. In conclusion: Knowing oneself and what you aspire to from the goals is more important than training in time management without a clear goal.

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3 years ago
