Between the mind and the heart

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3 years ago

Have you ever wondered whether you are dealing with your heart or your mind?

Do you always use your heart for everything and get overwhelmed by emotion?

Or do you tend to use your mind to ignore your feelings?

If we use our brains, will we always survive?

Or if we use our heart, our conscience will be relaxed?

Do we appreciate the balance between the mind and the heart?

Several questions, and question marks about what is right and how life can go right, how to make the right decisions from the mind or the heart, what is the cause of failure and failure, and what is the reason for success and achievement?

The way the heart works with life's obstacles

Man has been created weak and strength is a decision he makes to complete his path. We are exposed to many situations that make us weak and subject to them with the groan of the heart that pushes us to sympathy for tolerance for sacrifice, the purity of your heart may force you to see people with goodness and transparency hidden from your eyes malice and what goes on behind them, the kind word and appearances may weaken you The beautiful woman whose heart tells you that things go smoothly, without knowing the hidden things and their truths, without knowing whether these appearances are real or false.

People are many, their colors differ, the colors of their hearts, their morals and their way, no one is like others, each has his own way, style and dealings, each has an independent personality, and you cannot judge a person’s personality in comparison to his peers, or because human beings like that all people are similar in their own ways, and you do not know their looks A good and beautiful woman, whether it is friendship or does it hide behind it evil and harm.

The necessity of realizing the mind in many situations

Here, the balancing matter requires you to not leave yourself to the suggestions of your heart and listen to the conversations of your mind, for it is the right thing, if you search for the right path for the correct idea and correct handling, do not lose as long as you occupy your mind, studies have shown that the human mind can absorb 74 GB of information Daily, therefore you have to develop it on a daily basis in the simplest things by studying by working by meditating by contemplating the creatures of God in trees, heaven and animals, with people with their personalities how they go and how they coexist, the mind is capable of forming as we want and is subject to expanding and increasing its intelligence, but you must will, determination and strive every day to reconstruct your mind, before you You are spoiled by your heart, which leads you to the wrong ways most of the time. Work daily to learn something new, read a useful book, listen to strange information in various matters and sciences. Man is created and begins to strive to increase his source of livelihood and develop his material level and on his conviction that the mind from God cannot be modified or Change it and here is the error. As we develop our material level, we have to develop the level of our mind’s culture, its time and balance, and you will become more aware. New doors will open in your mind. Allow his imagination to grow, allow your dreams to grow bigger and bigger. Be sure that he is able to reach, you will become more aware and clear to people of events about matters, realizing what you must do and what are the right decisions and the right steps, and think a thousand times before making a decision, you will be more careful, with awareness, culture and the development of the sleeping mind,

The need to balance the mind and the heart and work with them together

We reach the importance of balance, where the mind and the heart in one body are complementary to each other despite their contradictions and differences, but it is not possible to always walk behind the heart and neglect the mind and thinking, and it is not possible to walk after the mind and neglect the heart.

  • The mind is a center of power for the right to think and scrutinize things and things, it gives you a correct vision, as it was consumed in a way that makes it work for you. Either you left it without development without expanding its horizon and its merits will lose you, make you fall and hurt you many times his heart, use it seriously and it will be on your way bright and well managed for the affairs of your life.

  • As for the heart, it is a center of softness, kindness, tenderness, weakness, that guides you for good, to love people and to give, to dreams, ambition, and passion for success, tolerance with people and their containment, without your heart and its orientation with your feeling you will walk with the strength of your mind that is not useful to life, you will not be able to aspire without passion, or to socialize without love, Or that you study while you are bored and work while you are disgusted with your work, here your life will become dulled, and the heart and mind will color your days and see colors.

In the balance between the mind and the heart, life continues

The mind and the heart are complementary opposites, for the mind is characterized by solidity and strength, as it is always based on logic and reasoning, and it judges various issues according to firm standards, while the heart is concerned with softness and ease, both of which are indispensable for a person and his spiritual build-up is his heart.

Man lives in his life with motors based on his wisdom and the flow of feelings, that is, it is his mind and heart that determine his behavior and account for the nature of his path and his activities. The mind may differ from the heart depending on its self-division and then the external, as it is known that the mind is linked to materialism and emotion with feelings, so it is imperative for us to balance, think and think, and then feel, in order to lead a healthy life, for life is full of pitfalls with insomnia, pain, sadness, and difficult decisions. The bad ones, and only our mind and heart will save us.

And as it has been said, look with your mind, that the eye is false, and hear with your heart that hearing is part.

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3 years ago
