New wife, pot cover, fox calls Pandit, -
The chirping chirping chirps are inside the chin.
Where the forest of shacks trembles in the study of the students
Seven boys crocodile heart surrender?
Where is Dadang Dadang in the palm tree?
Old Bamun nodded and went to eat.
Where is Bamni sweet on the back with khangra?
Where did Bamun go in anger, when did he come?
How is the rate of the princess of ‘Hall Ray Ba!
Wood-wife vows rule how to play cucumber?
Cole-pair Dhan Manik Ratna, what kind of boy did you get?
The frog's snort trembled.
How come the princess eyes-bindhuli groom!
Where is the squeaking noise inside so many bags? -
Where is the squeaking noise inside so many bags? -
Everything was hidden in the middle of Chang-bang's hous