Khokonh gold moon corner, -
Khoka's aunt in the country '
The moon of the sky is the moon of the underworld
He has taken it.
Jyochana Jyochana, Fatik boiled!
I see the moon, I see the moon, the fruit of which country?
It exploded on both sides
Roop jhal malh.
A sea of rays on both sides,
There is rice in the shell, -
Shonh Ray magic in mother's lap
Sleep deprivation song.
Two-night night, -
The crying moon went back,
No one called.
Nobody called, Ray - Khokon is asleep,
Khokon mango-sandesh looted dust!
Dhulara big fortune, Khokon smeared on the body!
Khoka's mother Lo Khoka's mother!
Your gold sleep-
Pick up the area to get it.
The neighborhood is full.
O-Ma Lo Ma!
Such a ten-year-old boy can't sleep !!
Nice post brother