The object of education

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3 years ago

The introduction. Every student and teacher should understand the general object of education. It is with a purpose or aim that we get educated.

The higest object of education for us should be to become as perfect as possible. In the Intellectual sense. Our mind should be suitably developed. We should learn well the subject of our study. We should have general knowledge of other subject ls and fields as well in the social sense. We should try to be truthful, Nobel and kind in our behavior. We should have a thorough understanding of our social duties and right in the religious sense. We should understand our religion well. We should also have the ability and will to follow it Ina true manner.

Teachers should explain the general purpose of education to their student again and again. They themselves should show through action how they are trying to achieve this purpose.

There is an intimate deep connection between characters and the achievement gaining of the object of education. Without the development of characters one cannot achieve it.

The conclusion. Education without the effort to gain its high purpose is simply meaningless.

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The introduction. Every student and teacher should understand the general object of education. It is with a purpose or aim that we get educated. Its really nice to see your articles.. Your work is really appreciable... Visit my Profile to and comments on my New articles to i really need it ...I’m waiting of your response brother💕💕

$ 0.00
3 years ago

The conclusion. Education without the effort to gain its high purpose is simply meaningless.

These lines are so much good dear.keep ot up good working .you also written some special.thanks for sharing.

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3 years ago