The mobile phone is in fact a double edge weapon if it use or benefit of human being are Many its destructive uses are not few we know that criminal and terrorists make use of this device to keep contact with each other we have read newspaper about the use of the mobile phone by candidates inside examinations hall trying to get information from outside through their friend to copy answer to exam question.
Future the mobile phone has given rise to some psychological problem among the users because of their constant use of it quite a few of them become nervous or confused in some loss of memory has been reported in other problem of sleeplessness and mental disease have come to the surface some newspaper claim that a constant use of the mobile phone causes tumours swellings in the brain apart from the disease caused by the phone maladjusmentbof the user in society and distortion in his personality are more dangerous
It will be better if the mobile phone is used proportionately and wisely in a normal and balanced manner complate dependence on it on the part of its users for their daily work and business dealing can result in a kind of mechanical life in which physical or mental effort is excluded work through telephone calls should be reduce to the minimum and physical effort movement and walking or travel should be preferred
For the government to exercise some contoral on the use of the mobile phone will be describe young people who are inexperience or are studying or doubtful people with negative records in their place of the work or with the police may not be allowed to keep carry mobile phone should not go unrestricted
The competition between mobile companies prometes negative use of the device through advertisement and canvassing asking people for its use they make people waste time and spend more on mobile talks then on books and learning however the competition has resulted in reduction of the call rates.
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