Trees play great role in cleaning the air, soil and water and thus making earth a better place to live. People who live close to the trees are generally healthier and happier. Trees help us a lot through their limitless servings all across the life. As a human being, have we ever thought our responsibilities towards trees or only we are enjoying their benefits. Saving plants we are not showing any kindness to the plants instead we are showing kindness to our lives because life is not possible without trees on the earth. So, if we want to live life in healthy way, we have to save plants forever.
Trees add lots of value to our lives as well as and improve our living status by providing fresh oxygen and nutritious foods.
Trees also fulfill our additional necessities like shelter, medicine, and other needs of our modern lifestyles.
Trees help in deflecting sunlight thus reduces heat island effect and keep environment clean and cool.
Trees always clean and refresh air by releasing oxygen and filtering particulate matter including dust, micro metal particles, pollutants, green house gases (ozone, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur dioxides), etc.
Trees have very less water requirement per year 400 trees need approximately 40,000 gallons of rainwater
A healthy and mature tree may provide cooling effect equivalent to air conditioner cooling ten room size area
Trees are good source of energy saving because they reduce the use of air cooling system during summer season like electric fan, air conditioning, etc.