Road safety

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4 years ago

Everyday many people are involved in road accidents. Some are killed. Many more are injured or maimed. So it is important for us to learn to use the roads properly and safely. No sane person would like to be involved in an accident.If there are no crossings, then we must look carefully right and left and cross only when it is safe to do so.Never cross a road by dashing across it. That is inviting trouble.Also we must not fool around while in the bus. A suddenly lurch can send us knocking our heads against something hard.Using a bicycle can be dangerous too. We must pay attention on the road and never cycle too far out to the middle of the road. We must obey all traffic rules.Using a bicycle can be dangerous too. We must pay attention on the road and never cycle too far out to the middle of the road. We must obey all traffic rules. Also we must make sure our bicycles are in good condition with working brakes, lights etc.Road safety is very much up to how we use the roads. Use them carefully and we may be able to use them for a long time. Use them carelessly and we may never be able to use them again.The important thing is to stay alert at all times while using the roads. We must know what is happening around us. In that way we can take necessary action to avoid danger whenever we see one to injure a person so severely that a part of their body will no longer work as it should

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Good one

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4 years ago

Nice Article Brother

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4 years ago