My favorite Book

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3 years ago

I have read a good many books of general interest. Of all these I like Bertrand Russell's common sense and Nuclear warfare most. This books of of a small size but contains deep thoughts provides useful information on the different problems and dangers of a great war. Here we may consider some of Russell's useful ideas.

Russell rightly say that rules or government of powerful countries are making greater and greater preparation for a big war. They are spending huge amounts of money on producing nuclear weapons Countries like Russia and America are preparing more and more destructive weapons their scientists and techincel experts are preparing bombs and weapons which can destroy whole cities and kills million of human beings it is also possible that satellite sent into space by scientists may be armed with nulcer weapons

Even the moon cab be used by the US or Russia for purposes of nulcer attacks on other countries.

Russell wants all kinds of wars to end. He thinks a smaller war can turn into a nuclear war. The most important parts of Russell's books is about disarmament. He rightly says that all kinds of nuclear weapons should be prohibited. All the existing stocks of nuclear weapons should be destroyed.

Russell has written his book in a simple and engaging style. He explains his ideas well. We feel after reading the book that war is really extremely harmful and destructive. Russell has not discussed defensive wars which may sometimes be proper However when all countries agree not to fight even defensive war will not be necessary.

Russell's book is of course worth reading. It teaches good lesson to the entire world. Let rulers and politicians act upon these for the good of their countries and mankind (humankind)

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Really very nice

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3 years ago