Suicide for nothing!

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Written by
2 years ago

18th February 2022, Friday

Some people get depressed due to family crisis, some due to worldly reasons. Some go into depression for study, some for career formation. Depression is a normal part of life. And that depression can come in many forms. But it is not right to think that life is worthless because of that depression. The rules and regulations of today's society and country seem to go into a lot of depression, but we should survive by obeying it. Here is an example to illustrate the point. One of my cousins ​​graduated five years ago. His academic results are good enough and he deserves a good job. But for the last five years he has been looking for a job but he has not been able to find one. Even the celery for the jobs he is offered is not very standard. That means the salary of those jobs is almost equal to the salary of a peon. So what does it mean to study so hard? Which, of course, made the video an overnight sensation. But think once! Celery or money is everything? So let's share a case of suicide from depression. A few days ago, one of our university students committed suicide due to study depression. Isn't that weird? Her depression was such that she had been out of school for two years due to the recent covid-19 virus. Due to which 2 years have passed from her life, she has got two years session tangled! Which is not to recover. Two years have passed, which means that his chances of getting a government job have decreased. The maximum age for getting a government job in our country is 32 years. According to them, life without government job is useless. In order to get a government job in our country, one has to acquire skills on various subjects for at least four to five years. For some people it is less time but for most people it is not a government job because there is a lot of competition in the job market. Anyway, our university mourns the death of that student for two days, then forgets. That's the decent thing to do, and it should end there. But you should understand your own importance. Let me share another incident. An incident in Gujarat, India, an incident I saw in a video. The thing is, a girl had a relationship with a college student (boy). Maybe for some reason the girl's relationship with the boy is ruined. Maybe it's cheating or the girl's new relationship with another boy. But the boy did not accept that. The real disaster happened when the boy could not accept the matter. The boy appeared to the girl with a knife. In a public place, the boy stabbed the girl in the neck and threatened to kill her. Although the girl's family was present, the boy was reluctant to let her go. At one point, the boy publicly cut the girl's throat with a knife. This is another proof of how terrible depression can be. After killing the girl, he cut the veins of the boy's hand with that knife. When he realized his death was late, he stabbed her in the stomach. Two lives were lost there for no reason. But why is that! If the boy had the ability to understand, the situation could have been different. If the boy really liked the girl, the boy would think, "I am happy with the man of my choice." But on the contrary, he thought, "Since I have not found the man of my choice, no one will find him." Some of the little things that don't feel good because, if they happen again and again, those little things become big problems at once. As happened to one of my acquaintances. It is normal for husband and wife to have occasional quarrels, but if the quarrels continue, it can lead to depression. Once upon a time people were ready to do anything, even murder, to get rid of that depression!

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Written by
2 years ago


depression really kills.My ex live-in partner killed himself because of depression

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The towering depression leads us unconsciously towards a terrible end , it may suicide too . Defusing of anger , stress and tension can make us possible to avoid extreme.

$ 0.01
2 years ago

Only Coward commit suicide Sad to hear the news of a girl and boy and that's why I never think to make a boyfriend I don't wanna encounter such type of situation

$ 0.01
2 years ago