Portfolio of a graphics designer

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3 years ago

Suppose you are a graphics designer. You have designed many types. Among the notable designs

  • Poster design,

  • Logo design,

  • Banner design,

  • Business card design

  • Self portrait

  • Drawing

  • 3D design

  • 2D video design

  • making motion video

  • Photography

  • photo editing, etc

Not everyone has all the skills, so everyone works in one sector. However, one works in one or more sectors. Suppose your graphics design skills are not very good, but you are practicing to develop your skills. In this case, besides skill development, you should keep in mind that if you want to earn income with those graphics designs in the future, then you must save those designs. Because if a client wants to hire you, they will work at that time. Do you know how to use it? By creating a portfolio.

What is a portfolio?

"Portfolio is a medium through which you can show your clients your skills, samples of your work."

There are various sites for creating portfolios, most of which are paid sites However, there are some free sites where you can save a sample of your entire work. And using your work sample at the right time is perfect to explain your skills to the client.


https://bihance.net is a very good platform if you want to create an ideal portfolio free site. Where various graphic designers are presenting their work to others in their own portfolios. There is also a system to present your skills through video live.

Even if your profile is professional, you can also get various job offers from https://bihance.net. Because there are many clients who are looking for a professional graphics designer for the job.

Try to have your best work in your portfolio, as the client will consider your skill after seeing your work. If your skills are not professional enough, keep practicing, and keep updating your profile with the work you do.

How to arrange the portfolio?

Try to have all kinds of work neatly arranged in your portfolio. Create some folders, there will be separate folders for each task. Self portrait, card design, banner, illustrator etc.

https://bihance.net/sajibsarker56 is my portfolio link, though I have not yet arranged my portfolio with any work. But I will start sorting my portfolio very soon as I miss a lot of work for portfolio so portfolio is very important for any graphics designer.

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3 years ago


This article is very interesting for those who are graphic designers. But here I am to help you out with any kind of text and designs which you may require while preparing your projects. You can ping this website https://masterbundles.com/graphics/ and here you may go with the services which suit your requirements.

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2 years ago