Addiction and occupation when photography.

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3 years ago
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“Now there are more cameramen than Kaur. You can't be a photographer if you have a DSLR camera. ” The words may sound a little harsh, but in the world of photography this is going on a lot lately. To be a photographer, you have to pursue, you have to stick. Although the analytical or theoretical aspects of photography are not well understood, it is not difficult to understand that a photograph creates a story in the mind of the viewer. A story of a time, a story of a moment, a story of a life ever. So let's just hold the camera in hand, not just floating in the current. And bring the story to life.

A good photographer does not mean a good camera

The car lens is a series, the car has a huge battery grip on the camera, the body of the car camera. There is no denying that good gear enhances the ability of a photographer, but who knows what ink Leonardo da Vinci painted with?

Good photos do not mean Photoshop

When you see a beautiful dazzling picture, don't think that it is just a miracle of Photoshop. A good photographer always wants to take "in camera" pictures. Photography tricks have been used for ages, long before the advent of the digital age. Now it is easier to experiment because you no longer have to go to the dark room to know the results of the experiment. Rather it is very easily seen.

Abuse of Shallow Depth of Field:

Except for the focused part of the picture, everything else is blurred. However, many people start using it with joy in their minds. Can't get out of the maximum aperture of the lens. It seems that the fun of DSLR is over. However, it is important to keep in mind that you will not need a Nilkhet guide book to know how much aperture you will have in a picture. Browse Flickr, see the work of Bagha Bagha photographers. Understand yourself.

Reluctance to go beyond grammar

If you practice blindly following what is written in the book, you will not do very well. Grammar must be known and obeyed. But if you don't have the mentality to get out of that grammar if necessary, you will lose a lot in life.

Know the names of some photographic sites

Lens Culture, Digilab, Adobe Photoshop Express, Picasa, Photo Visi, Flickr, Photobox etc. may be some very useful photographic sites for you.

Black and white monogram

I remember the wise words I read when I was young ঃ all messengers are prophets but not all prophets are messengers. In the same way, all monograms are black and white, but not all monograms are black and white. Monograms are pictures painted in different shades of one color. Monogram pictures are a little more dramatic than ordinary pictures. Emerging photographers are just trying to get past the habijabi pictures with this. So you have to work hard to decide when to take black and white pictures and when not to.

Lucky Seven

No tripod? Use lampshade.

Attract kids with Hotshoe PEZ Dispenser.

Day and night can be passed in one flash.

Take advantage of the macro by opening the lens.

Remove outsiders from travel photos.

Shaped Bokeh: You can change the shape of this Bokeh if you want. To do this, cut a piece of black paper according to the size of the front element of your lens. Then cut a shape in the middle of the paper with a blade. However, this shape must be slightly larger than the thumbnail.

Cover bright sky with GND filter.

Some more rules to keep in mind

You don't just have to be behind the camera when taking pictures. Talking to the person who is taking the picture, the main idea of ​​the picture should be revealed in him. Flash cannot be exposed using shutter speed. Focusing too much on the gear, paying too much attention to the camera setting, working too fast, fearing mistakes, taking too many similar pictures, using zoom lenses to take close-up pictures is a big mistake for photographers.

You can take a short course

Photography can be learned by reading books, browsing the internet, looking at pictures, being with an experienced photographer or enrolling in an educational institution. However, if you want to take photography as a profession, it is important to have formal education. There are several photography training institutes in our country. These institutes are currently offering diploma or bachelor's degree in photography. Pathshala, Begart Institute of Photography, Dhaka Photography Institute, Dhaka University Photographic Society (DUPS) offers various term courses. Course fees vary depending on the type and duration of the course.

Last word

Finally, I would like to say something about Indian photographer Raghubir Singh. According to him, photography is a lot like finding gold in a mining area. Time and time again you will keep looking and sometimes maybe a small piece you can find. He means there is no substitute for hard work and patience. Good luck to you.

Thanks to All.

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3 years ago


Photography can be learned by reading books, browsing the internet, looking at pictures, being with an experienced photographer or enrolling in an educational institution. However, if you want to take photography as a profession, it is important to have formal education. There are several photography training institutes

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3 years ago