7 Unknown Facts About The Wonderful Universe

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3 years ago
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We live across a very small part of this vast universe. Despite the tremendous advances in science and technology, most of the universe is shrouded in mystery. Surely none of us is interested in these mysteries of the universe. So let's look at seven known and unknown incidents without delay.

1. What is the smell of space?

Ever wondered, what is this space, what does it smell like? Some curious people think but this question is awake! And they have come up with the answer after listening to the experiences of various astronauts.

2. Heated ice

Scientists have discovered a planet about 33 light-years from Earth whose entire surface is covered in "Burning Ice"! Feeling weird? The fact is that the water on the planet's surface has been transformed into a solid state due to the extreme pressure, and the temperature on the planet's surface is so high that steam is released from the frozen ice. That's why scientists call it "Burning Ice".

3. The earth could be a black hole

The beautiful world we live in can also become a black hole. But before that, the world has to follow some very strict rules. One of them is to somehow minimize the earth itself and turn it into a marble.If this happens somehow, the earth could turn into an omnivorous small black hole

4. Boiling water in space

What do we usually see when boiling water? Many water droplets in the form of bubbles have risen to the top of the pot. But if someone goes into space and tries to boil water in any way, but this will not happen. Instead of many, only one giant bubble will come up.

The Lost Universe

We are talking about the enormity of the universe, but the universe is even bigger! According to scientists, about 75% of the universe is in the form of dark matter and dark energy. This universe of ours is but expanding.

Where it begins, it ends

No one will ever be able to go to the very end of the universe. So if someone has a hobby in his mind to see what is at the end of the universe, his hopes are shattered. If anyone ever walks along a straight line from a certain place in this universe, he will return to his starting place after walking for eternity.

How small is our world in the midst of the vastness of the universe.  But how many secrets of this world are still unknown to us.  Maybe one day all the mysteries of the world will be solved.  At the same time, it will begin to unravel the myriad of unknown and unsolved mysteries of the universe.

 The victory flag of human civilization will be spread all over the universe.  Who can say that one of you who are reading this article may one day solve such an unknown mystery of the universe!

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3 years ago
