The difference between a revolver and a pistol

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Avatar for Sajeeb_alex
3 years ago

The comparative discussion of pistols and revolvers we will first divide into a few parts. These are:

1. Advantages of use

2. Service

3. Maintenance

4. Power

Now let's come to the main discussion. Not to mention at first, the pistol actually means the one that throws the projectile, the revolver also means the pistol. But in the general sense, a semi-auto hand gun is called a pistol. In today's discussion, pistol will mean semi-auto. And since the single action revolver is almost extinct, revolver means "double action".

1. Advantages of use: The revolver is bigger in shape than the pistol, the pistol can be loaded relatively fast, the pistol weighs less, the recoil is less, the pistol does not have to be cocked repeatedly like the revolver, if held by mistake the revolver hammer can injure the hand On the other hand, the safety issue of pistols is a big issue. There are a lot of incidents of the carrier getting injured after getting into trouble with the safety catch. But revolvers do not have such a problem. The decision is yours, but in my view the pistol wins.

2. Service: The pistol holds much more bullets than the revolver, the firing rate of the pistol is higher than the revolver. But pistols can get jammed at any moment without any advance signal. Revolvers, on the other hand, are technically almost impossible to jam. This is a big weakness of the pistol.

I would say, match draw.

3. Maintenance: This discussion requires a little discussion of the operation of pistols and revolvers. In the case of the pistol, the bullet comes out, the used cartridge goes out with some force from the recall and the lower spring pushes the new bullet. On the other hand, when the trigger of the revolver is pulled, the side cylinder of the used cylinder comes up and fires at the house of the hammer.

Since pistols carry far more parts than revolvers and the firing process is more complex, pistols require relatively much more care. Pistols can go bad at any moment, even after Supremecare.

Revolver Wins.

4. Power: The power of revolver is much higher than the same caliber semi auto. The matter is tested on a 5mm thick iron sheet.

But in the end, there is a saying in the army, "Take care of your gun, it should take care of you." Pistol jamming can be eliminated with good care.

Last opinion, are you a trained soldier? On the battlefield? Or a field agent? You don't have a revolver in your hand. And you want weapons to protect the house? Need self-defense? Revolver is the best choice.

$ 0.02
$ 0.02 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Sajeeb_alex
3 years ago


Since pistols carry far more parts than revolvers and the firing process is more complex, pistols require relatively much more care. Pistols can go bad at any moment, even after Supremecare.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Tik broo

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I am afraid of revolvers. Ever since I saw a revolver in a movie, I was scared. I even stared in amazement when I was shot with a revolver in the movie. I thought people really killed him. I really thought of shooting him with a revolver in the movie. Now I don't get scared and I don't get these misconceptions.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

nixe article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Serious i didn't about this matter when you share the post then i realized & basic clear

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice explain bro. You can success . Write more articles

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Now let's come to the main discussion. Not to mention at first, the pistol actually means the one that throws the projectile, the revolver also means the pistol. But in

$ 0.00
3 years ago

But revolvers do not have such a problem. The decision is yours, but in my view the pistol wins.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thanks for knowing about pistol.. I don't know about this more

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Very informative article about difference between a revolver and a pistol. Keep it up.

$ 0.00
3 years ago