Sun light
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3 years ago
Although only darkness is fundamental, light has brought diversity to this universe. It is never possible for an organism to imagine anything without light. That is why primitive people worshiped the sun as their greatest deity. When the gods lived, that is, they did not care about anything during the day, and took shelter in caves at night. Since then people have gradually improved. He knows a lot about the universe. It has taken a long time for humans to realize that the sun is a medium-sized star and that its light is our main source of energy. However, people were most curious to know about these events, what the sun is actually made of and how the light of the sun is actually made. Knowing how light is created in the sun First of all, if we first know how the sun is actually formed and what materials it is made of, then it will be easy to understand the creation of light. The center of our solar system is the sun. The Sun is a massive mass of matter because 99.6 percent of the amount of matter that exists in the entire solar system is in the Sun and the rest is in the rest of the solar system. But the density of the sun is very low, 28 percent of the density of the earth. Although the Sun is shown a clear sphere from the Earth, the Sun is not actually a gas sphere with a clear edge. In fact, from the center of the sun, its gas is thin and spreads far into space, which is why its specific drawing is not round.
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