I dream about street children. Many people do not know what is the mother's affection for those who do not have the eternal truth that 'wild children are beautiful in the mother's womb'. Many do not have parents. Some may not even be there. The word negligence is closely associated with them. When they are supposed to have books in their hands, they cut paper in search of food or carry burdens. Someone or another is driven by a bad person and steps on the wrong path. Arrangements need to be made for these street children to receive education without pay at work. Instead of the traditional education system, effective methods should be brought for them. By which the children go to school without being distracted. In addition to thematic education, moral education must be ensured. They need to be taught to dream. I want to work to show the dreams of those children. I know success in this way is not so easy. But not impossible. Want with, some humanitarian shutdown.
Sajeeb (Alex)
Textile Engineering
Pabna Textile Engineering College.
Your dream so lovely😊