Nervous Disorders.
Today,i want to highlight the present diseases caused by nervous system.lets see...the symptoms,causes,treatments and diagnosis of nervous disorder
Parkinson's Disease (paralysis Agitans)
It is a nervous disorder and characterized by involuntary tremors,diminish motor power and rigidity.The mental facilities are not affected.
In most cases specific cause cannot be established it is caused by the cell death in brain area that produced dopamine Onset of disease is usually in 50's and 60's.It is slowly progressive disease;the patient may live for many years.The disease may result by head trauma.
Effective drugs are available ( such as L-dopa).A naturally occurring protein glial cell-line derived neurotrophic factor boosts uptake dopamine when delivered to lab rats and monkeys.
It is a convulsive disorder of is characterized by abruptly transient symptoms of motor power,sensory,pyschic or autonomic nature frequently associated with change in consciousness.These above changes are secondary.These changes are caused due to sudden transient alterations in brain functions associated with excessive rapid electric discharges in the grey metter.
The Onset of epilepsy is usually before age 30.Later age onset suggest organic disease.
In some patients,emotional disturbance play a significant "trigger" role.
ElectroElectroencephalography (EEG) is most important test in study of epilepsy.
AntiAnticonvulsant drugs are used.Alcohol aggravates epilepsy.Therefore persons suffering from epilepsy should avoid alcohol.
Alzheimer's Disease:
Alzheimer's disease was first described by "Alois Alzheimer in 1907.
There is a decline in the brain functions especially with age.its symptoms are similar to those diseases that caused dementia (memory loss).
There is a genetic pre-disposition to the disease in some it tends to run in families.
There is also genetic evidence that high levels of aluminum may contribute to the onset of this disease.
Effect of drugs:
Nicotine affect post synaptic membrane in CNS and PNS.
It mimics the action of acetylocholine on nicotine receptors,so it is stimulant of nerve impose.
It increases:
(A) heart beat rate,
(B) blood pressure and
(C) digestive tract mobility.
It may induce vomiting and diarrhea.
It may cause water retention relation by kidney.
Yes these diseases are brain related nervous