Door of opportunity

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3 years ago



My today's topic of discussion

I've heard since my childhood, that no matter how hard the situation is no matter what you're going through, there's always one door in life open for you and that's the door of opportunity 💜 God never puts you in a second misery before getting you out of the first one, you just have to believe in him 💜

We quit so easily, blame the situations, God or people for our miseries we become ungrateful if anything goes wrong and opposite against our plans

We feel like it's the end of the world and we should quit we don't look back at why we started, why we came this far, what motivated us before and what we want for ourselves. We forget about all the great things all the blessings that we have in our lives and focus on the one thing that we didn't get. And for that ungrateful nature we blame god that he's not listening he is doing this to us he does not care and we never try again we never look for opportunities and we never receive our goals.

So remember even when you think your life is like a dark cave and there's no way out then you're wrong because life is full of opportunities it gives us new opportunities everyday we just have to stay positive have a little courage and we should believe in ourselves that we can find the way out, then nothing can stop you from finding the door of opportunity 💜

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If all the doors are closed, then let's open the windows. Hehe. In short, there will always be a way for everything.

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3 years ago