We take various elements from nature for our use. But we all too often behave rudely towords nature.It has destroyed the the balance of nature.
The climate is changing mostly becuase of the greenhouse effect.The balance of the environment is breaking down.However, should take the following precautions to face the challenges of the global warming.
(a) To Stop the use of CFC and other greenhouse gases.
(b) To Stop the use of firewoods and bio fuels.
(c)To expand the programmes of planting trees all over the country, Specially in the coastal areas.
(d)To monitor the behaviours of the world climate and take decisions accordingly.
(e) To increass the public awareness about protecting the environment.
We should prepare effective and sustainable policies and strategies to face the challengees of the climate change.It is our duty to remove the imbalance of nature.
Very good post