NASA will see if the asteroid comes running

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3 years ago

Suppose a huge asteroid came down from space. After six months, the earth will be hit. Scientists were asked to find a way to avoid conflict. But they sounded disappointed.

The US space agency NASA conducted a similar experiment with its partners last month. The purpose was to understand our ability to invent ways to prevent possible collisions of asteroids with the Earth.

The test was conducted by NASA as part of the International Academy of Aeronautics Planetary Defense Conference. Fictional events are created for the sake of experimentation. It is said that a mysterious asteroid is coming towards the earth from three and a half crore miles away. After six months, it will hit the earth. The task of the scientists is to either stop the imaginary asteroid called '2021 PDC' or change its course.

The scientists went to work on April 26 last month. He made various plans for the next one week. Every day they were updated about the imaginary position of the asteroids.

Analyzing the data, the scientists said that the imaginary asteroid could be of any size from 35 to 600 meters.

On the second day, scientists reported the possible location of the asteroid's impact, NDTV reported. "Six months from now, it will hit large areas of Europe and North Africa," he said. But by the end of the week, they were pretty sure there was a risk of injury somewhere between Germany and the Czech Republic.

It's all based on fiction. However, those scientists also gave a disappointing information. If an asteroid really comes running, it will have nothing to do but look. We do not yet have the technology to stop it. And if you want to change the direction, it is not possible in just six months, they will take more time, they said.

In a joint statement, the scientists said, "If the asteroid's imaginary event happened in reality, we would not be able to send a spacecraft in such a short time to our current capabilities."

They also talked about the use of nuclear explosives to destroy the asteroid. Although there is no clear idea about the asteroid, scientists believe that it can reduce the risk of damage. However, he added, conventional nuclear weapons may not be enough for large asteroids.

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3 years ago
