Victory Day of Bangladesh

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3 years ago

Victory means winning something. The day when a country gains independence from external forces is called the victory day of that country. Victory Day is a unique and glorious day in the life of every nation. Bangladesh is no exception. Every year on 16th December, Victory Day brings a message of immense joy in the national life of Bengalis. This day of Victory Day is a symbol of self-dignity, heroism and sovereignty of the Bengali nation.

β˜…Victory Day of Bangladesh:

December 16 is the Victory Day of Bangladesh. After nine months of bloody struggle in 1971, the Bengali nation has achieved complete victory on this day. On this day in 1971, the Bengalis defeated the Pakistani aggressors and forced them to surrender. Through the sacrifice of the lives of 3 million martyrs, the disgrace of countless mothers and sisters and the heroic struggle, Bangladesh was born on this day in 1971 as an independent sovereign state on the map of the world. So this day of victory is the most memorable, joyous and glorious day in our national life.

β˜…Historical Background:

After nearly two hundred years of exploitation, the British were forced to relinquish control of the subcontinent in 1947 in the face of intense agitation. After independence from the British Empire, Pakistan and India were born on 14 and 15 August 1947, respectively, on the basis of Hindu and Muslim majorities. The Muslim-majority state of Pakistan was basically divided into two separate territories. One part is West Pakistan and the other is our Bangladesh - then called East Pakistan. Despite being a country with a majority of the people, the ruling class of West Pakistan was the omnipotent power of the entire state of Pakistan from the very beginning. All the activities of the state, offices, courts were controlled by West Pakistan. In short, the ruling class of West Pakistan did not give freedom to the common people of East Pakistan economically, politically or culturally. As a result, the Bengalis of East Pakistan want to get rid of the exploitation of West Pakistan for a good reason. In 1952, when Urdu was made the state language, the secret desire for independence in the minds of Bengalis intensified. It was through this language movement of 1952 that the freedom struggle of the Bengalis began. The foundation of the freedom struggle was strengthened by the education movement of '62, the six-point uprising of '66 and the mass uprising of '69. Although the Bengalis dreamed of fulfilling their aspirations by winning the East Bengal political party Awami League by a huge margin in the 1970 elections, it remained unrealistic due to the exploitation of the Pakistani dictator. The West Pakistani government chose the path of repression instead of giving state power to the elected government. In protest of this, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, the father of the Bengali nation, called for independence for the common people of Bengal at the Racecourse Maidan in Dhaka on 7 March 1971. On the night of March 25, at the behest of Major General Tikka Khan, the Pakistani aggressors attacked the sleeping unarmed civilians in the capital. Especially in the residential areas of Dhaka University, Rajarbagh police line, etc., the Pak army carried out ruthless killings. Then on 26 March Major Ziaur Rahman declared independence on behalf of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman from Kalurghat Radio Station in Chittagong. Ordinary people of this country irrespective of peasants-workers, students-teachers, artists-writers, men and women took part in the liberation war. Finally, on December 16, 1971, came the Mahendrakshan for which our people had been waiting for more than two decades. On that day the Pak army surrendered to the freedom fighters at the racecourse ground. And the great victory of Bangladesh began, an independent country was born, whose name is Bangladesh.

β˜…Victory of 1971:

December 16, 1971 was the result of many sacrifices and pursuits of Bengalis. It was the day of the great festival of 6 crore Bengalis. Forgetting the painful memories of nine months of bloody struggle, the pain of losing relatives, people came down to the streets in groups. Everyone had the red-green flag of independent Bangladesh in their hands. Forgetting the miserable past, people dreamed of a promising future Bangladesh. There is no happier day in the national life of Bengalis.

β˜…Victory of Bengalis:

Victory of Bengalis started from 12.01 pm on 15th December. On the morning of 16 December, people from all walks of life gathered at the National Memorial in Savar to pay their respects to the millions of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the war of independence. This day is a public holiday. On this day, a parade was organized at the National Parade Ground with the participation of all the military and defense forces of Bangladesh. His Excellency the President, Hon'ble Prime Minister and many others enjoyed the occasion. On this day of Victory Day, red and green flags of all schools, colleges, houses, shops and vehicles can be seen all over the country. Special programs are broadcast on television throughout the day. In all mosques, temples, churches and pagodas across the country, prayers are offered for the forgiveness of the souls of the martyrs of the liberation war. In short, in every district of the country, in every house, this day of victory is celebrated in a joyous and festive atmosphere.

β˜…Significance of Victory Day:

The Bengali nation has gained a unique identity in the court of the world through its glorious victory in the War of Independence. The significance of Victory Day in the national life of Bengalis is undeniable. Through the celebration of Victory Day every year, the younger generation became aware of the history of the Liberation War and the glory of Bengali self-sacrifice. As a result, they are interested in doing research work on the freedom struggle, history and heritage of Bengali nationalism, language and culture, etc., which is playing a helpful role in further enhancing the value and status of Bengalis as a nation to the world.

β˜…Victory Day Consciousness:

The war of liberation is the name of a consciousness of the Bengali nation. And Victory Day has spread that consciousness in the lives of millions of Bengalis. The freedom struggle of ’71 taught us how to roar against injustice, injustice, exploitation and oppression. Every year Victory Day inspires us to speak out against injustice. The young generation should be inspired by the spirit of victory achieved in exchange for the blood of millions of martyrs and build resistance against the anti-national forces.

β˜…National Duty:

As a Bengali, everyone has some duties towards this day. Not only on a single day of Victory Day, but every Bengali should be inspired by the spirit of victory and work for the country-nation, freedom-sovereignty from his own position throughout the year. National initiatives need to be taken to preserve and promote the correct history of Victory Day. It is the national duty of the Bengalis to take appropriate action against those who distort the history of freedom struggle and victory and try to mislead the next generation.

Victory Day is a day of joy and sorrow in the life of a Bengali. Every year this day revolves around us and reminds us of the memory of millions of martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle. Victory Day has been celebrated in a grand and joyous atmosphere since ’71 in remembrance of the great history of maintaining the dignity of the beloved motherland.

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