When It’s Bad to Have Good Choices

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Avatar for Sadiyaharuna
3 years ago

it may not surprise you to learn that healthy, well-fed people in affluent countries are often unhappy and anxious. But it did startle Zbigniew Lipowski when he came to a full realization of this fact. He had emigrated to North America from Dublin, in 1955, and, in the mid-nineteen-sixties, was put in charge of the psychiatry practices at two Montreal hospitals, Royal Victoria and Montreal Neurological. Why, he thought, as he worked there, would so many people living in such good conditions have so much anxiety?

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Եւչեե հերթին բաժանված է որպես առանձին մասերի բաժանելու հետ կապված էր նրա առաջին անգամ ռւռճչռռ😍 ռւռճչռռ😍😍😍😍😍

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Good article

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Nice article bro..

$ 0.00
3 years ago

That how it is, wealthy people are always living in anxiety

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3 years ago