The Lungs (part 1)
The lungs are a pair of essential organs of respiration and invaginate into the corresponding pleural sac.Each lung is invested by pulmonary pleura except at the hilum and the attachment of the pulmonary ligament.
characteristics features
(a) lung is porous,highly elastic and spongy in texture.
(b) In new born, it is pinkish.In adult it is dark redish grey
(c) It crepitates to the touch and floats on water.
Presenting parts
Each lungs is half-conical in shape, and presents apex,base,costal and medial surfaces,three borders anterior, posterior and inferior.
Apex: the Summit of the apex is 3 to 4 cm above the first costal cartilage, 2.5 cm above the medial end of the clavicle.Apex is coverd by cervicle pleura which is strengthen externally by the suprapleura membrane.
Base: It is concave and semilunar in shape.Base of right lung more concave than the left one.
Costal surface :it is convex,smooth and related with the leteral thoracic wall separated by costal pleura and endo thoracic presents impression for ribs and costal cartilages and elevations for intercostal spaces.
Medial surface :it consists of porterior or vertebral part,and anterior or mediastinal part.Vertebral part is flat and related to the body.Relations of mediastinal part differ in Right and Left lung.
>Interior border : It is thin because it is sandwiched between anterior thoracic wall and pericrdium and occupies the costo mediastinal racess of pleura
>Posterior border: it is thick and rounded becauseit occupies the peravertibral gutter. It is related with the anterior margin of the heads of the upoer ten ribs,sympathetic trunk,the origns of greater and lesser splanchnic nerves.
>Inferior border : it is a circumscribed border which separates the base of the lung from the costal and medial surfaces.
As Lung is the most active organ of human body so I though of introduce its structure to all through an article.. I'll surely be back with something more describable.