Utilization of funds

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3 years ago

The Gospel According to Saint Lucas

   Chapter 16 verse number 9 to 15

9 “And I tell you, make friends for yourself with false money, so that when it is finished, they will welcome you in the hereafter.

10 "He who is honest in the smallest things, he is honest even in big things, and he who is dishonest in the smallest things, he is dishonest even in big things.

11 If you are not honest in false money, who will give you the true wealth? 12 And if you are not honest in your money, who will give you your own money?

13 "No servant can serve two masters; for he will either hate one and love the other, or will respect one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

    Greed of the pharisees

14 The Pharisees, who were greedy, used to hear Jesus laughing at these things. 15 Jesus said to them, "You people pretend to be righteous before men, but God knows your heart. The thing that matters in the eyes of men is disgusting in the sight of God."

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