Never say i m unlucky....

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2 years ago

Hello friend.....

...... Never use these words that I am unlucky in this word .God never bless me and never hear about me these words always tease yourself by your own , because you think that you are not good creature of a Allah almighty and you always hate yourself by your own . it's not fair my dear friends .... man in my life always says that say good that what you have so.....

... so what you are say I am good, I am fine and I am the best in god view....

Here I have a unique personality I will tell you his life span that how he spent his life in a machine about 7

....PAUL Alexander...

.... He was the that personality who never demand to Alla and what God gave him he was happy in that I am telling the whole life span of paul Alexander..

When he was just about 6 year he fall in polio ..

Doctors did his treatment and and kept his body in a machine .i that machine he spent his 73 year but he didn't lost his hopes and his firm determination.He believe that God can never cheat with me.

...he was suffered from polio in 6year .

Education health.

He did his graduation in that machine and he got the great marks in his graduation period

Life is a chance which is given by God to you and it is a big challenge for you that what God give you and how you use it.....

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... Yes my dear friends this is the life of the paul Alexander who spent his 73 years in a machine , in that machine he can only just move his head not whole body, his whole body stay stationery. Compare your life with his great personality. My dear friends you have everything in your life .

you have a lots of blessings of Allah almighty which he has given you. Think people that what do not have , you have fine body fine vision power.each and every thing....

  • Guys say thank to god because you have everything..

  • .always mention that you are fine and you are good...

  • You can achieve better when you show your self better in front of world 🌍🌍🌍..

  • Never say i m unlucky.these words can only destroy yourself own.

  • Spend your life like Pual Alexander..

  • Hope so you will achieve some thing by my new article.

$ 0.05
$ 0.05 from @Amjad_Ali_Waince
Avatar for SabaKanwal
2 years ago


May Allah provide us patience and contentment.

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2 years ago

Thanks dear for you appreciate

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2 years ago